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The best countries for food Mar 06

food_heaven_Mercato_CentraleTrying out the local food is a part of the travel experience and it is a part of getting to know the culture of a country. Lonely Planet has made this list of countries that are worth a visit just for their food. Iā€™m not surprised to see Italy, Thailand and India on the list Winking smile We have been to several trips to e.g. Italy and it is always easy to find a good restaurant to eat at ā€“ feel free to check out this trip report from Bologna ā€“ a place well known for the food. Located nearby you will find towns that produce stuff like Parmigiano Reggiano (parmesan cheese), parma ham and balsamic vinegar (or Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena)

Gard ā€“ trip reports and pictures

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